career coaching for lawyers

Career Counselling Services specialise in career coaching for lawyers:

CCS Career Coaching for Lawyers

If you are currently questioning your commitment to the Law, you are not alone. Since 1978, many lawyers have consulted us. Some have decided to stay, and left with new resolve; others have made a change within the law; a few have left the law altogether.

A career change is not to be undertaken lightly. What you need is:

  • time to reflect in a considered way
  • conversations with someone not involved
  • good information about opportunities

CCS offers some 30 years of experience in giving professional careers advice. Our expert career coaches give you the very best careers support and guidance. We have gained a great deal of experience of the kind of career questions and dilemmas lawyers face. Our coaches come from a range of backgrounds, including direct experience of the law.

If you are in a dilemma about your career direction, read the following statements. If any strike a chord, read on:

To Leave the Law or Stay?

  • I don’t feel as though I have the right personality and mindset to really get on in the law. Can you help me explore what options I might have both within and outside the law?
  • The law has turned out to be very different from what I expected. Can you help me to explore what I might do that would best suit my strengths and interests?
  • I used to be interested in the Law, but my motivations seem to have changed. Can you help me clarify what really does interest me?
  • I have not progressed to partner level and am seriously considering leaving. Can you help me to talk my decision through in a considered way and look at other options?
  • I have been told that I am headed for partner level but I am uncertain about the impact this would have on my work life balance. I’m not sure I want the responsibility and stress of becoming a partner. Can you help me to talk this decision through?
  • I have decided I want to leave this firm. Can you help me talk through the options?
  • My firm is not giving me the opportunity to develop. I’m frightened that if I leave, the situation will be the same elsewhere. Can you help me identify a set of criteria for judging whether to stay or go?

Returning to Work

  • I am considering coming back to work after a career break but I don’t want to go back to what I was doing before. Can you help me to develop my ideas?

Work-Life Balance

  • I am currently finding it impossible to cut off from work.  Can you enable me to create some clear boundaries?
  • I am struggling to juggle all the demands of the job and family. Can you help me to think through ways to tackle this more effectively?

Personal Brand and Development  

  • I have been given feedback that I don’t have the appropriate personal impact when dealing with clients. Can you coach me to develop these skills?
  • I find certain relationships at work very difficult. Can you help me to develop my assertiveness in dealing with the demands of others?
  • I feel overwhelmed by the work and don’t know how to manage my stress levels. I would appreciate the opportunity to get a clearer perspective on my current situation and decide what to do next

How does Career Coaching for Lawyers Work?

Discovery Meeting

Our career coaching for lawyers programme starts with a half hour consultation (face-to-face or on the telephone) to decide whether the programme is appropriate for you and, if so, which career coach to see. If not, we will make suggestions for alternative help.

This consultation is free of charge.

Career Coaching for Lawyers Programme

Written Preparation

Exploring (approx. 1.5 hours)

  • Exploring your career, education and training choices to date
  • Reviewing other life issues relevant to your career
  • Agreeing objectives for your programme, for example: do I need a change of career, firm or area of specialisation?
  • How suited is my personality type to my current work?
  • How can I achieve a better work-life balance?
  • What really interests me?
  • What kind of organisation culture might suit me?
  • Agreeing to use questionnaires and self-assessment assignments to address:
    • skills
    • interests
    • when I’m at my best
    • values

Clarifying (approx. 1.5 hours)

  • Review of questionnaires and assignments. This consultation can be  recorded, if you wish. Experience shows that a recording is most helpful in enabling you to reflect on the discussion, the results and possible implications. You might also want to share it with a partner or friend
  • Identifying key job satisfaction criteria, related to skills, interests and personality
  • Agreeing further assignments

Visioning and Identifying Options (approx. 1.5 hours)

  • Identifying career and development ideas
  • Refining options
  • Agreeing areas for research and follow up

Resourcing Action ( approx. 1.5 hours)

  • Review of research
  • Decision making
  • Preparing for any job search ( CV, interviews, strategy)
  • Addressing any relevant area to address current needs.

What you can Gain from Career Advice

What you can gain from Career Coaching for Lawyers

  • Greater self belief from a clearer understanding and recognition of your abilities, interests and personal strengths
  • Ability to make a decision
  • The courage to make a change of job or career, if appropriate
  • The ability to gain a new role or find a new career path
  • Clarity about your job satisfaction criteria, which can act as a template for future decisions
  • New ideas to help you develop and pursue your potential
  • A clearer vision of your future direction
  • A realistic Action Plan for your career and personal development.


The virtual CCS Career Coaching for Lawyers programme costs £960 + VAT, inclusive  all online coaching, exercises, between-meetings support, materials.

Services for Individuals