Would you like to develop your skills and learn to use powerful tools to support career conversations in the workplace? 

  • Are you an HR professional who would like to expand your knowledge of how to better support employees in your organisation with their careers?
  • Are you considering expanding your HR skills to include Career Coaching and would like a way to test whether further training in this area is right for you?
  • Are you a qualified Coach within your organisation who would like to expand your repertoire to include some Career Coaching Tools?
We know that many busy individuals, particularly those working within organisations are keen to invest in developing their Career Coaching skills. 

We have created a 1-day Career Coaching Tools Day for HR specifically for this purpose.  

Benefits of attending the session

  • Know about a career coaching framework and be clearer on how to incorporate career issues into coaching conversations. 
  • Practice the skills of career coaching 
  • Receive coaching pointers from trained and experienced career coaches 
  • Understand the practical application of the tools to support career conversations 
  • Benefit from the chance to practice as coach and coachee using the tool in a pair
  • Receive an editable PDF copy of the tools (to share with individuals you are supporting)
  • Gain from ongoing access to recorded demonstrations of CCS using the tools

Content covered during the session

How to manage expectations within a Career Conversation
Tutor-led discussion on setting  the purpose and expectations of a career conversation 

Exploring Career: Using a Career Management tool 

This session will introduce you to the When I’m at my Best tool which requires the ability to draw out an individual’s narrative regarding a significant time when they were ‘in the zone/flow’.  The session divides into storytelling and analysis of the story to produce a valid and reliable list of the key strengths and skills as well as conditions for the individual to thrive.

Clarifying: Using a Career Decision-Making Tool

The Job Satisfiers tool requires focused and challenging questioning to produce a strong and resonant list of the intrinsic elements of job satisfaction for an individual. This can be invaluable in helping an individual to think about their next role, project or opportunity as well as prepare for development discussions and potential internal/external interviews.

Creating a Career Vision

This is the chance to work with a Career Visioning exercise that encourages participants to reflect on their career as a narrative and to construct the elements of the next ‘chapter’ based on their strengths and what they would like to be using more of in a future role and opportunity. 

Moving to goals and action 

Finally, we focus on the importance of helping others to think about sustainable ways to take action steps and maintain motivation towards goals. Using a goal grid structure, we will demonstrate the importance of breaking down actions into measurable and attractive steps to which individuals are more likely to be committed. 

Follow up Coaching discussion

Following the training day, all participants will benefit from a one-to-one coaching meeting with one of the Course Tutors


“The Tools Day really enabled me to put guidance on how to have career conversations into practice. Experiencing first- hand how I could enable a person to identify for themselves the conditions for them to thrive at work was incredibly powerful.”

“This really taught me the power of great questions, and being really able to truly listen to someone. The tools and questions in how you de-brief them are so powerful for individuals, really helping them to make sense for themselves”.

“The Job Satisfiers tool is such an incredibly useful tool for enabling people to think about their intrinsic sources of job satisfaction. This gives them a way of planning and talking confidently about their career goals in development conversations”.


£475 plus VAT. 

Next Course Dates  

Wednesday 16th October 2024

The session will be run on Zoom from 9am to 5pm.

Services for Employers