A tailored in-house development programme

Do some of these questions resonate with you?
  • I want to help my team to develop, but I don’t know how to go about it. Can you help me?
  • I often feel overwhelmed, with too much on my plate. How can I develop my team to take on more and therefore free up some of my time to lead?
  • I encourage people to speak up in our team meetings, but still I’m generally the one leading and contributing and coming up with ideas. How can I get my team to contribute more?
  • I know I need to develop capability in my team, I just don’t know how to do it. Can you help to  me do this?
  • We’re so busy all of the time, how can I find time to coach when it’s often faster just to tell others what to do or do it myself?
  • I need the full team to be on board with upcoming changes/ a new and important project. What coaching skills can I use?
  • A few people dominate team meetings. How can I get quieter members of my team to speak up?
  • I am not very good at challenging people in my team when I need to. Can the training help me to do that?
  • I am a technical person, coming up the operational route.  I’ve never found it easy to use these soft skills. Can you teach me a practical way to make them relevant?
  • I want to give every member of my team the opportunity to grow and develop. Can you teach me the skills to enable me to appreciate how people want to develop, so it fits in with the needs of the business?
  • I get confused trying to come up with good questions. Can you get me to practice and improve?
  • I’m not a great listener and I’d like to be better. Will the training equip me with better listening skills?
  • I’d like to learn a structure approach to coaching, as I think it will give me confidence. Can you do that?

Coaching is an essential element of the manager’s toolkit.

It can:

  • Build the capability and confidence of the team
  • Encourage the team to share ideas
  • Enhance team performance
  • Facilitate the team to develop needed skills and experience
  • Create space for each team member to bring their best self to work
  • Contribute to fully engaging team members
  • Can help with giving difficult feedback

Learning outcomes

  • Build psychological safety
  • Use a simple practical four stage Coaching framework
  • Develop coaching confidence and skills
  • Be able to use some key coaching questions
  • Deepen the ability to listen
  • Understand more the challenges and questions brought to a coaching conversation
  • Learn to integrate a coaching approach day-to-day
  • Enable solutions to be owned by the coachee
  • Use some key coaching tools ( eg goal setting)
  • Enhance the ability to give feedback

The Programme ingredients

  • Practice over theory
  • Small groups
  • Tailored support on ways to optimise the use of coaching
  • A short 121 briefing
  • Two day facilitated group session
  • 2 x 121 follow up coaching sessions to support managers in application
  • A follow up group module on one of several topics ( eg Handling challenging conversations, adapting to change, coaching for lateral development)
  • Before and after benchmark evaluation

Programme Facilitators

 Rob Nathan CPsychol

Rob has been training managers since 1996 . He has designed, delivered and embedded coaching programmes in diverse organisations ranging from UK local authorities, the NHS, BSI, many United Nations and European agencies and international private sector organisations such as Schroders and Saint-Gobain.

Rob believes in the importance of developing sustainable coaching initiatives, which empower the trained individuals and their teams.  His courses at CCS are accredited by the UK Association for Coaching.


natalie harvey career coach

Natalie Harvey, CIPD, ICF 

Natalie has worked in multinational organisations with responsibility for introducing coaching programmes including Coaching for Managers.  She is an ICF accredited Executive Coach, Career Coach and skilled Facilitator. Natalie also holds an EMCC (European Mentoring and Coaching Council) Team Coaching Quality award.  In he previous company she designed and introduced the highly successful Fit2Lead Programme

Natalie works with leaders, managers and their teams from a range of industry sectors, supporting them on their journey to high performance.


Next steps

Each programme is tailored to the specific needs of the organisation and group. Please contact  rob@career-counselling-services.co.uk to arrange an initial discussion.