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Daniela Corallo

I am an L&D professional, a licensed career and accredited (ACC) coach, a trainer, and I head up a faculty of internal coaches. My interest in career coaching began when coaching women who are returning to work after having a baby or raising a family. I found that with their new identity after having children came a desire to lead a more intentional life and often their career choices became the key focus of the discussions.

I wanted a course that would give me practical tools that I could use when supporting clients through their journey. The CCS training that I completed in 2022 gave me exactly what I was after, and I now feel very confident in tailoring the many tools I was provided with to the specific context and challenges my clients are experiencing. As one of my clients recently said “the (CCS) tools are like an onion, they have so many layers, when you think you’ve peeled one off, you find another one underneath that allows you to go even deeper in your reflections and insights”.

I also enjoyed taking part in a CCS “Train The Trainer” offer more recently and I now train others in starting and engaging with constructive career conversations at work so they can better support their people without necessarily feeling they have to have all the answers. CCS training teaches you the importance of being present, becoming better at listening and showing curiosity, all of which are essential and crucial skills when we are developing others. What I love about career coaching is seeing the impact this journey has on individuals and seeing them thrive: this doesn’t always mean changing jobs or achieving a promotion, in fact, often is about re-calibrating current situations and making them work for individuals in light of new self-discoveries.