Group Video Call for Coaching Pod

This is the opportunity for Career Coaches working in-house to come together in a confidential setting to discuss their experiences and learn from each other. These sessions will be facilitated by a CCS Career Coach/Tutor. 

  • Are you a CCS Graduate or a qualified Coach working in-house with responsibility for delivering career coaching?
  • Would you value the opportunity to discuss any challenges arising in your career coaching?
  • Would you like to explore how to use the CCS career coaching tools with groups and individuals?
  • Do you want a forum to discuss, explore and develop ideas to drive forward coaching initiatives in your organisation? 

Benefits of joining a Shared Learning Pod 

Case discussion

  • A place to reflect on the practice of your career coaching and to sharpen your skills, knowledge and confidence for future sessions
  • Gain ideas for working with challenging coachees
  • Know about relevant and new tools and approaches
  • Consider how to effectively manage boundaries as an in-house career coach

Implementing Career Coaching in the organisation

  • Have a greater understanding of how to position effective career support in your organisation.
  • Drive forwards a culture where individuals feel empowered and supported to be their own career manager.
  • Benefit from hearing about how other CCS alumni have successfully gained buy in and rolled out coaching initiatives.

New ideas

  • Gain new ideas for coaching initiatives and identify tangible action steps that enable you to take the skills and tools you gained from Core Skills training back into your organisation.
  • Understand how to effectively communicate any new coaching and mentoring initiatives to ensure maximum engagement from employees.
  • Use other CCS alumni as sounding boards to support you with driving forwards your career management ideas within your organisation.

Feedback from OD Partner & Coaching Lead, Local Authority

“The importance of supervision for me, particularly when coaching in organisations, comes down to ethical practice and being transparent and proactive about my own development and positionality as a coach. Being able to go to your supervisors and to be open about the things that may affect your coaching practice is essential and also provides me with the confidence that I’m working within my coaching role and continually developing my awareness and skills.  
A couple of really practical benefits of CCS supervision has been helping to manage my role and boundaries, and also when I’m a bit stuck as a coach and just not sure how to handle something. This is when supervision can be so critical in supporting me to think through options and see things from another viewpoint.”


Costs and practicalities 

You will join a pod of up to 5 people and will benefit from:-  

  • 3 x 2 hour shared learning sessions per year.
  • 20% discount on either CCS Tools Refresher Day, CCS Summer or Winter Alumni event (per annum). 
  • Session will be held online. 

£395 per year + VAT

To find out more email